On the 14th of July ABD signed memorandums of understanding (MoU) with both CINI and CLAIRE. The MoU will enable the CLAIRE and CINI communities to develop their research using supercomputers provided by the Members of the Associazione Big Data (CINECA, CMCC, ENEA, INFN).
This MoU is aimed at facilitating the interaction between HPC and AI scientists, and to establish the basis for HPC+AI-enabled digital twin technology, improving preparedness for future pandemics and new challenges. In the European landscape, access to HPC infrastructure for research projects on COVID-19 is guaranteed by several national and pan-European initiatives, such as the PRACE (https://prace-ri.eu) and the ABD initiative (https://associazionebigdata.
This MoU will enable AI experts and scientists from other disciplines working on COVID-19-related subjects to efficiently use supercomputers, fostering AI research by running AI workloads (also with medical data) on large HPC platforms not traditionally conceived for those kinds of tasks.
These fruitful collaborations among researchers across Europe and the agreement that CLAIRE signed with ABD and CINI show that Europe urgently needs to build a European AI ecosystem to support the development of strategic areas such as health, to foster AI research and improve the quality of life for all European Citizens.