The Big Data Association is financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – ERDF ROP 2014-2020.
In addition, the Association is also financed by FSC 2014-2020 resources – Operational Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region – in accordance with the Agreement signed by the Regione Emilia-Romagna with the Italian Government concerning the reprogramming of EU funds to deal with the Covid-19 health emergency (DGR n. 856 of 13.07.2020).


The Emilia-Romagna Region with the Executive Determinations n. 16444 of 11/09/2019 and n. 23071 of 13/12/2019 has granted the Big Data Association the total sum of € 300,000.00 for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021.
The concession concerns the financing of the three-year activity plan of the Big Data Association:
n. project E31F19000240009.
More precisely, with the resolution of the Regional Council n. 750 of May 13, 2019, the Emilia-Romagna Region has intended to finance the start of the activities of an association that will support the Region to achieve the following objectives, with reference to the Big Data theme:

  • support the development of new research and innovation infrastructures in the field of supercomputing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence;
  • create synergies and activate networks and connections with other public and private aggregations operating in the same areas at national, European and international level;
  • encourage and support the development of initiatives in the field of research and innovation;
  • support marketing actions of the regional innovation system at national and international level also in order to attract new investments focused on industrial research activities.

Project objectives

The “Associazione Big Data” mission is to facilitate:

  • the sharing and exploiting of existing results, knowledge, capacities, research and innovation initiatives and frameworks;
  • cooperation between public and private entities, maximizing the leverage effects of R&I public and private investments;
  • joint actions including coordination, planning, facilitating and promoting relevant R&I actions, policies and international cooperation activities;
  • researcher careers, training and mobility and, in general, the development of skills in the big data and AI domains.

Project results:

  • Management: guaranteeing the association’s activities from an operational and administrative point of view, equipping itself with the tools and resources to achieve its strategic objectives.
  • Promotion: planning the brand and communication strategy; producing promotional materials (ie leaflets and publications); designing the web site structure and contents; making the promotion of the association activities.
  • Specific actions: starting actions for the strengthening of the integration capacities of the supercomputing infrastructure of the members in order to enhance them also for economic and social purposes. Furthermore, national and international qualification objectives will be pursued in favour of the association, its members and the regional ecosystem.

During the prolonged health emergency situation due to Covid-19 global pandemic, the Big Data Association faced some difficulties that have arisen in carrying out the regular activities of the promotion of the Association.
Therefore, the Big Data Association has requested the Emilia-Romagna Region an extension of the activities until 31 December 2022.
In accordance with the measures enacted at both national and regional levels to support the country’s economic and social systems in a time of prolonged health and economic emergency, the Emilia-Romagna Region has considered it necessary to guarantee the public interest in finalising the regionally-funded project n. E31F19000240009.
As a result, with Regional Resolution no. 837 of 09 June 2021, it has given the Big Data Association the opportunity to carry out the project activities until 31 December 2022.

In compliance with the annual Law for the market and competition n. 124/2017, amended by Legislative Decree n. 34/2019, converted into Law n. 58/2019, it should be noted that the Big Data Association (Fiscal Code: 91408720372) has received the following public grants:

Year: 2019

The members UNIBO, UNIFE, UNIMORE, UNIPR, CMCC, CINECA, ENEA, INAF, INFN, IOR with a contribution of 10.000,00 € each have participated in the fund of International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development
Motivation: contribution for International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development
Amount: 100.000,00 €

Year: 2020

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region
Programme: European Regional Development Fund, in the framework of the cohesion policy, in furtherance of the economic growth and attractiveness of the regional territory.
Axis 1 – Research and Innovation.
The Big Data Association is financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – ERDF ROP 2014-2020. In addition, the Association is also financed by FSC 2014-2020 resources – Operational Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region – in accordance with the Agreement signed by the Regione Emilia-Romagna with the Italian Government concerning the reprogramming of EU funds to deal with the Covid-19 health emergency (DGR n. 856 of 13.07.2020).
Code Project: E31F19000240009
Amount: 15.311,00 €

Year: 2020

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region
Programme: Support for the development of the intelligent specialization strategy of the Emilia-Romagna Region, aimed at actions of international promotion.
Regional Program for Productive Activities 2012-2015, activity 4.1 – Grants for associations.
Code Project: E34E19001050002
Amount: 5.381,26 €

Year: 2020

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region
Programme: European Regional Development Fund, in the framework of the cohesion policy, in furtherance of the economic growth and attractiveness of the regional territory.
Axis 1 – Research and Innovation.
The Big Data Association is financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – ERDF ROP 2014-2020. In addition, the Association is also financed by FSC 2014-2020 resources – Operational Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region – in accordance with the Agreement signed by the Regione Emilia-Romagna with the Italian Government concerning the reprogramming of EU funds to deal with the Covid-19 health emergency (DGR n. 856 of 13.07.2020).
Code Project: E31F19000240009
Amount: 5.257,35 €

Year: 2020

The members CNR, FSCIRE, INGV with a contribution of 10.000,00 € each have participate in the fund of International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development.
Public lending entity: CNR, FSCIRE, INGV
Motivation: contribution for International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development
Amount: 30.000,00 €

Year: 2020

The Big Data Association has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme as full member of the project Exscalate4Cov (EXaSCale smArt pLatform Against paThogEns).
Public lending entity: European Commission
Programme: Horizon 2020 programme
Code Project: grant agreement N. 101003551
Amount: 66.066,79 €

Year: 2021

The members UNIBO, UNIPR, CMCC, INAF, UNIMORE, INFN, IOR, SCIRE with a contribution of 10.000,00 € each have participated to the fund of International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development.
Motivation: contribution for International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development
Amount: € 80.000

Year: 2021

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region
Programme: European Regional Development Fund, in the framework of the cohesion policy, in furtherance of the economic growth and attractiveness of the regional territory.
Axis 1 – Research and Innovation.
The Big Data Association is financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – ERDF ROP 2014-2020. In addition, the Association is also financed by FSC 2014-2020 resources – Operational Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region – in accordance with the Agreement signed by the Regione Emilia-Romagna with the Italian Government concerning the reprogramming of EU funds to deal with the Covid-19 health emergency (DGR n. 856 of 13.07.2020).
Code Project: E31F19000240009
Amount: € 68.375,47

Year: 2021

The Big Data Association has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme as CINECA’s third party of EUROCC and CASTIEL projects.
Public lending entity: European Commission
Programme: Horizon 2020 programme
Code Project: grant agreement N.  951732(EUROCC) and 951740(CASTIEL)
Amount: € 100.625,00

Year: 2022

The members CINECA, INGV, CNR with a contribution of 10.000,00 € each have participated in the fund of International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development.
Public lending entity:  CINECA, INGV, CNR.
Motivation: contribution for International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development
Amount: € 30.000

Year: 2022

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region Programme: European Regional Development Fund, in the framework of the cohesion policy, in furtherance of the economic growth and attractiveness of the regional territory.
Axis 1 – Research and Innovation.
The Big Data Association is financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – ERDF ROP 2014-2020. In addition, the Association is also financed by FSC 2014-2020 resources – Operational Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region – in accordance with the Agreement signed by the Regione Emilia-Romagna with the Italian Government concerning the reprogramming of EU funds to deal with the Covid-19 health emergency (DGR n. 856 of 13.07.2020).
Code Project: E31F19000240009 Amount:  € 56.507,48

Year: 2022

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region Programme: Grant of funding to associations for the development of the Emilia Romagna intelligent specialization strategy, aimed to promotional actions during the Expo Dubai 2021/2022 – DGR339/2021
Code project: E39J21004980002
Amount: € 10.000

Year: 2023

The member ENEA with a contribution of 10.000,00 € has participated in the fund of International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development.
Public lending entity: ENEA.
Motivation: contribution for International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development
Amount: € 10.000

Year: 2023

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region Programme: European Regional Development Fund, in the framework of the cohesion policy, in furtherance of the economic growth and attractiveness of the regional territory.
The Big Data Association is financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – POR FESR 2014-2020 ASSE 1 AZIONE 1.2.1- FSC 2014/2020 – DGR 750/2019
Code Project: E31F19000240009
Amount: € 79.691,96

Year: 2023

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region Programme: system actions for the definition of strategic intervention programs
The Big Data Association is financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – POR FESR 2014-2020 ASSE 1 AZIONE 1.2.1 – DGR 899/2021
Code Project: E31B21004740009
Amount: € 69.843,93

Year: 2024

Public lending entity: Emilia-Romagna Region Programme: “Provision of funding to Associations for the development of the Emilia-Romagna Smart Specialization Strategy 2023-2024”.
The Big Data Association is financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – PR FESR 2021-2027 PRIORITY’ 1, AZ. 1.1.7 – DGR 2096/2022 – 1° SAL
Code Project: E38G22000050009
Amount: € 88.508,31
