The Italian National Competence Center within the EuroCC project is aimed at supporting the activities on high performance computing (HPC), High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), for the benefit of companies, with particular regard to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMes).
More in detail the competence centre is funnelling the know-how and skills of Research in training and knowledge-transfer actions that are focused on specific and concrete needs of the business community, in collaboration with the associations representing the different business categories.
EuroCC comprises 33 National Competence Centers (NCCs) coordinated by the European project Castiel . The ultimate goal is to gain an overall picture at the European level, highlighting the specific competences on HPC, HPDA, and on AI being available for the economy.
This will enable the activation of training and twinning programs among the NCCs, so as to share experiences, achievements, success stories and international cooperations to serve the companies and the regions.
The Italian NCC is powered by CINECA with the collaboration of Associazione Big Data, Bi-Rex, Eni, Dompè and Leonardo.
The actions of the Italian NCC are oriented in three main directions as described hereinafter.
The main objective of the Italian competence center is to address the need of companies to learn how and when to use enabling technologies such as HPC, HPDA e IA in order to initiate or accelerate their innovation and digital transformation processes.
To this regard the Italian CC is mapping the available competences at the national level as well as the needs of businesses, with specific focus on SMEs.
Moreover, it will create a pilot program made up of two calls. Selected projects will count on supercomputing hours and consultancy on how to employ the resources at best.
The training activities are shaped to fulfil specific knowledge transfer needs of the companies on the enabling technologies that are core to the Competence Center.
Businesses have the possibility to access two types of training paths:
- Overview of HPC technology and related fundamental competencies.
- Focused training paths to fill knowledge gaps.
The first one is delivered in collaboration to existing training entities and will also be integrated in already available courses.
The second typology of training paths aimed at satisfying well determines training and knowledge transfer needs. The contents will take inspiration from the competence mapping on the one side and from a bottom-up approach in cooperation with the industries that will be part of the innovations projects.
The competence center will implement an awareness campaign on the adoption of HPC technologies by companies, especially by SMEs, through means of:
- Events and online publication of activities & achievements.
- The creation of industrial success paths in the employment of HPC, AI and big data technologies to create success stories that can be inspirational for other companies.
Project closing date
Coordinator Cinzia Zannoni
Training Eric Pascolo
Industry relations Claudio Domenico Arlandini
ABD focal point Luisa Monti
The EuroCC project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 951732.